VOLUME 21,  ISSUE 2,   April, 2002
World Social Forum: Another World is Possible
EHC organizer Magdalena Cerda, left, demonstrates in a rally supporting fair and equitable trade alliances between nations. Her sign, translated, reads, ‘To Hell with the FTAA (Free Trade Area of the Americas).’

More than 50,0000 delegates from 131 countries gathered in Porto Alegre, Brazil from Jan. 31 to Feb. 5 for the second-annual World Social Forum to discuss alternatives to corporate globalization and promote the idea that "another world with peace and justice is possible." Magdalena Cerda and Connie García of Environmental Health Coalition’s Border Environmental Justice Campaign attended the forum as part of a delegation from U.S. organizations sponsored by the French American Charitable Trust (FACT), a progressive foundation that supports EHC and other social 
justice organizations.

"For the first time in history, activists from around the world got together to discuss solutions to problems caused by corporate globalization," García said. "The promoters of corporate globalization have been meeting for years to discuss their agenda. It was about time that we got together to define our agenda to fight global injustice."

Cerda described the WSF as, "a tremendous celebration of life. All colors and cultures with their struggles were represented. The Forum is an authentic expression of the unity of peoples, not of political leaders and capitalists, but of the masses. This enormous gathering of voices, ideas, histories and strength was organized in order to say ‘Stop!’ to the globalization of injustice, ‘Enough!’ of violating peoples’ freedom of self-determination, and ‘No!’ to the extermination of indigenous peoples, to marginalization, and to the domination of capital over human life."

EHC would like to thank FACT for sponsoring the WSF delegation and allowing us to share our experiences in organizing for social justice with the world. To learn more about the World Social Forum, visit www.forumsocialmundial.org.br.


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