VOLUME 20,  ISSUE 3,   August, 2001
Environmental Health Coalition
Organizing for Justice

Environmental Health Coalition is dedicated to environmental and social justice. We believe that justice is achieved when empowered communities act together to make social change. We organize and advocate to protect public health and the environment threatened by toxic pollution. EHC supports efforts that create a just society which foster a healthy and sustainable quality of life.

The Border Environmental Justice Campaign works in solidarity with social justice groups in the border region to promote worker and community right-to-know about the chemicals used by maquiladoras, to increase their capacity to influence conditions that directly affect their health, and to demand cleanup of abandoned and contaminated sites.

The Clean Bay Campaign unites workers, bayside communities, and conservationists to clean up, restore and protect San Diego Bay as a clean and healthy multi-use water resource capable of supporting a diverse range of activities.

The Community Assistance Program responds to the needs of residents by providing scientific, technical, and policy information and assistance, and empowering residents with appropriate and effective strategies.

The Toxic Free Neighborhoods Campaign
works with affected residents to promote land use and planning reforms, the relocation of hazardous industries to industrial zones, the reduction of toxic air contaminants released by industry, and the abatement of lead hazards in the home.

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