VOLUME 20,  ISSUE 3,   August, 2001


Double Your Tax Rebate . . .And Make It Count!
You’ve already heard that the Bush administration:

  • Refused to join the rest of the world in reducing the threats of global climate change- the U.S. has reneged on the Kyoto protocol;
  • Is lobbying to drill for oil in the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge;
  • Has Put on hold regulations that reduce the level of arsenic in our drinking water;
  • Has turned their back on California during the energy crisis and has blamed environmental regulations for the supposed energy shortages
  • Rejected basic worker health standards
  • which would reduce carpal tunnel syndrome and other serious worker injuries.


EHC and other non-profits who oppose the destructive policies of the Bush administration 

Please consider donating all or a portion of your tax rebate to Environmental Health Coalition. You can even double you donation. GiveForChange is offering a $1 Million Tax Rebate Matching Grant! Make an online donation to EHC in the EXACT amount of $300 or $600 and Working Assets & GiveForChange will match contributions, up to $1 Million! Just go to GiveForChange.com before November 1, 2001 and follow the instructions for making a donation.

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