Inzunza welcomes
development of new Barrio Logan community plan
Organizer Sonia Rodriguez reads from one of the more than 300
postcards delivered to Councilmember Ralph Inzunza . |
Riding the wave of the temporary shutdown
of Master Plating, Barrio Logan residents filled the auditorium at Perkins
Elementary School for a town hall meeting with County Supervisor Greg Cox,
City Councilman Ralph Inzunza and other officials from the City and County
of San Diego. The officials were on-hand to share information with the
community and get input regarding Master Plating and the larger land-use,
air quality, and government issues that affect the neighborhood.
During the town hall meeting, residents
presented Inzunza with signatures from more than 300 community residents
asking for a new community plan. Barrio Logan is plagued by mixed land-use
zoning that allows polluting industries to be located near and even next
to residences. Residents have long asserted that the chrome-plating
operations located in their neighborhood posed serious health risks. The
Barrio Logan community plan has not been updated since 1979. A new plan
could mean historic changes for a community that has long suffered the
ills of poor zoning.
Councilmember Ralph Inzunza,right, responds to questions during a
town hall meeting with community residents. Inzunza, County
Supervisor Greg Cox, left, and other officials were on hand to get
community input on issues facing Barrio Logan residents.. |
Councilmember Inzunza enthusiastically
accepted the postcards and public testimony. Inzunza then stated his
strong commitment to developing a new community plan and revising zoning
to address the many incompatible land-uses and contamination issues
present in the community. Inzunza also committed to adopting a City
ordinance, which will give the City additional powers to require the
cleanup of contaminated properties in the community. On July 10, 2002, the
Public Safety and Neighborhood Services Committee voted unanimously to
adopt this ordinance, now called the Brownfields Restoration Program. It
should go before the full City Council on Sept. 3.
Supervisor Cox described the legal action
taken by the County aganist Master Plating for various environmental
permit violations. A restraining order stopping the chrome plating
operations was issued on March 25 and is still in force. Residents
expressed their appreciation for Cox’s leadership and commitment to
resolving these important issues.
Moving forward
A final ruling on the Master
Plating case is expected in the next few months. In the meantime, EHC will
be conducting an empowerment and training program later this year as a
precursor to the community planning process to help Barrio Logan residents
hone the skills they will need to create a plan for a community where they
can live and raise their children free of the threat of toxic pollution.