VOLUME 20,  ISSUE 3,   August, 2001

Goodbye, Clarice 

After 30 years of service, Dr. Clarice Gaylord, the former Director of the EPA Office of Environmental Justice in Washington, D.C., is retiring. Most recently, Clarice has served in the EPA’s San Diego office as a Special Liaison to the Region IX Administrator of EPA, where she was pivotal in getting Barrio Logan designated as one of the 15 environmental justice demonstration projects in the country. 
The three goals of this project are to reduce exposure of residents to air pollution, reduce incompatible land uses and improve children's health in Barrio Logan.

Dr. Charles Lee, Associate Director of the EPA Office of Environmental Justice and a stalwart in the environmental justice movement put it best when he said "Dr. Clarice Gaylord is a tried and true champion for the concerns of people of color and low income communities. She has devoted a lifelong 
career to public service and environmental justice. Countless communities have benefitted from her dedication, knowledge, and vision."

Clarice’s work and dedication to the issues in Barrio Logan will be sorely missed, but we wish her well in her retirement.

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