VOLUME 21,  ISSUE 1,   January, 2002


Environmental, labor activists outraged 
by House approval of Fast Track legislation

On Dec. 6, the House of Representatives narrowly approved the Trade Promotion Authority Bill by a one-vote margin, 215 to 214. San Diego Congresswoman Susan Davis shocked environmental and labor activists by delivering the deciding vote on the Republican-backed bill. The bill now goes to the Senate for approval, possibly as early as February.

If signed into law, "fast-track" negotiation authority would give President Bush the ability to negotiate trade agreements, including the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), without public input and with limited Congressional oversight. Congress would have only limited time to consider agreements negotiated via fast-track, and cannot amend them before voting.

Environmental Health Coalition and other San Diego-area environmental, labor and human rights organizations urged Congressional representatives, including Rep. Davis, to protect the future of the environment, labor and the poor by voting "No" on the bill.

EHC congratulates Rep. Bob Filner for his unwavering commitment to environmental and labor protection and his vote against the bill.

EHC has worked tirelessly to show how unfair trade agreements like NAFTA fail to protect workers rights, human rights and the environment.

"We know first-hand the devastation caused along the U.S./Mexican border as the result of ‘free-trade.’ Fast track does not lead to fair trade agreements, as has been clearly evidenced by NAFTA. The FTAA would expand NAFTA’s flaws and injustices to cover almost all of North, Central, and South America. The public and Congress deserve the right to debate international trade agreements," said Connie García, policy advocate for EHC’s Border Environmental Justice Campaign.

Urge your Senators to protect worker’s rights and the environment!

While the evidence is clear that NAFTA has failed to protect worker’s rights and the environment, President Bush is promoting it as a model for the FTAA.

The U.S. Senate now has the opportunity to stop the unfair, unjust legislation that would allow Bush to craft this and other devastating trade agreements. Contact your Senators and urge them to vote "No" on the Trade Promotion Authority Bill.

Contact Connie García at (619) 235-0281 or email ConnieG@environmentalhealth.org for more information.

U.S. Senators

Barbara Boxer
600 B. St., Suite 2240
San Diego, CA, 92101
Ph: (619) 239-3384
Fax: (619) 239-5719
email: senator@boxer.senate.gov


Dianne Feinstein
750 B. St., Suite 1030
San Diego, CA, 92101
Ph: (619) 231-9712
Fax: (619) 231-1108
email: senator@feinstein.senate.gov







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