VOLUME 19,  ISSUE 4,   January, 2001

EHC Study Reveals Housing Health Horrors:
Lead-SALTA Program Works to Address Lead Poisoning in Local Communities

It�s invisible, silent and dangerous. No, it�s not a ghost or goblin; it�s lead dust. If this dangerous dust turned green for a moment, you�d be terrified at the sight of your children covered from head to toe in the scary stuff.

There is good cause to be frightened. Lead poisoning is the number one environmental health threat to children under 6-years-old. It can result in reduced IQ, learning disabilities, behavioral problems, hyperactivity and increased aggression.

Data from the latest EHC pilot program shows the risks of lead poisoning are high in at least two San Diego County communities�Sherman Heights and National City. Samples collected in the 39 homes inspected to date as part of the program show:

  • Thirteen of the 16 homes with children under 6-years-old exceed federal and state guidelines for lead content in at least one area;
  • Thirty of the 39 homes, or 77 percent, exceeded lead standards in at least one sample;
  • Seven homes exceeded standards in two areas, 11 homes exceeded standards in three areas, and one home exceeded standards in four areas.

"So far, data from the lab is confirming what we all suspected-- homes and paint in poor condition, lots of lead hazards, and many children being exposed to these," said Leticia Ayala, coordinator of the Lead-SALTA project. EHC and its community Lead-SALTA Promotoras ( Health Promoters Taking Action to Eliminate Lead Poisoning) launched the pilot programs in Sherman Heights and National City to assess the extent of the lead problem in their communities.

Lead Content Data Collected from Homes in Sherman Heights and National City
Area Sampled Standard No. of Units
Percent That
Exceeded Standard
Range Average
Floor 40 �g/ft2 37 24% 3 to 1582.5 124.36
Window sill 250 �g/ft2 38 50% 5.5 to 1661.5 496.4
Window trough 800 �g/ft2 6 67% 88.2 to 3365 1397.6
Soil 400 ppm 30 40% 7.5 to 6077.5 589.20
Paint 1000 �g/g 29 62% 2.5 to 8235 3426.72

Promotoras Take Action

In 1998, EHC conducted lead blood screening for children younger than age 6 in Sherman Heights and National City. These communities are suspected "hot zones" for lead poisoning because of numerous sources of lead found there, including deteriorated lead-based paint, leaded pottery and leaded dust and soil. Nineteen percent of the children screened had elevated blood lead levels.

It�s no surprise children from low-income families are five times more likely to suffer from lead poisoning. Minority children are disproportionately affected. In San Diego County, approximately 100 children a year are reported with elevated blood lead levels and 84 percent of these children are Latino. However, not all at-risk children are being tested, and of those tested, not all elevated levels are being reported.

Lead poisoning has no obvious symptoms, and many children in these communities have no health care insurance. Without the screening, the poisoning of these children and their siblings would have gone undetected, as it has for millions of children across the country. The good news is lead poisoning is entirely preventable.

EHC�s Promotoras, nine in each community, successfully completed training given by Community Organizers on how lead impacts health. They learned the role of proper nutrition, discussed tenant rights and developed the skills to conduct a lead home inspection and take actual samples of paint chips, soil, and dust.

Promotoras used their newly-acquired skills to assess and evaluate the extent of lead problems in National City and Sherman Heights. As part of the pilot program, Promotoras thoroughly inspected more than 20 homes in each community. To ensure the project would be credible and scientific, the inspected homes were randomly selected. Ayala, who passed the state�s rigorous lead inspector test at the beginning of the year, monitored the inspections.

Promotoras who Participated in EHC's Lead-SALTA Pilot Program
National City
Bertha Tapia
Angelica Vega
Maria Coronel
Evangelina Nieto
Elena Nu�o
Alma Pillado
Dora Lopez
Arcelia Conchas
Patricia Hernandez
Sherman Heights
Obdulia Nieblas
Guadalupe Orozco
Imelda Perez
Maria Radilla
Angelica Velazquez
Martha Cortez
Bertha Hernandez
Leticia Gallardo
Lourdes Torres

Prevention Begins At Home

As a first step toward reducing lead in their communities, Promotoras made changes within their own homes. They replaced aging mini-blinds that contained lead, stopped using leaded pottery and are taking their own children and husbands for lead screening. The Promotoras now are spreading the word to their neighbors, friends and family about childhood lead poisoning prevention. In fact, since making the health and housing connection, Promotoras are identifying more and more housing and structural problems.

Promotora Alma Pillado of National City stopped the work of one local contractor after she became concerned about dust spewing from his demolition site drifting into neighboring homes. In Sherman Heights, Promotora Maria Radilla has been inviting her friends and neighbors for a home presentation, during which she explains in-depth all that she has learned.

Knocking on the doors of the selected homes was a time consuming but rewarding process for the Promotoras. Unfortunately, some families at first were hesitant to talk with the Promotoras because they felt intimidated and threatened by their landlords. But once assured that all information and results are completely confidential, they usually welcomed the Promotoras into their homes. Often, this was the first time parents had heard about lead poisoning.

"It is a great feeling to walk into a house with a lot of children and know that the information that we have shared with them will hopefully prevent more health damages," an EHC community organizer.

"We�re extremely grateful to the families that have opened their homes for a free Community Lead Home Inspection," said Ayala.

How big is the problem?

Patricia Hernandez, another National City Promotora, discovered first-hand the deplorable conditions that exist in much of San Diego�s low and moderate income housing. She currently is house hunting and having a difficult time. Every time she walks into a house, she uses her new skills to visually inspect the house. She often finds problems with both the paint and house condition.

California�s housing stock is the third oldest in the nation and unfortunately, low-income neighborhoods and neighborhoods with people of color tend to have poorly maintained housing units. Many neighbors and friends of the Promotoras and participating families have requested home inspection.

Put your money where your mouth is

Data regarding the extent of lead hazards collected from this pilot program will be used to advocate for adequate funds and resources to stop lead poisoning. True prevention can happen only by permanently eliminating the main culprits of lead poisoning, specifically lead paint and dust. This could be very costly.

This year, San Diego County will gain $49.9 million as a result of Proposition 10, which placed a tax on tobacco products, designating that the funds be used to promote the health of children under age 5. San Diego County formed the Children and Families Commission to distribute this money. We strongly agree with the vision of Commission that, "all children will thrive in supportive, nurturing and loving environments, enter school healthy and ready to learn, and become productive, well adjusted members of society." But lead poisoning is impeding this vision.

Childhood lead poisoning is tied to behavioral problems that prevent teens from becoming productive, well-adjusted members of society. According the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 11 to 37 percent of arrested delinquents have been found to have had chronic low-level lead exposure.

EHC is asking the Prop. 10 Commission to do the following:

  • Designate funds to reduce the number of children being expose to lead, making them less ready for school;
  • Ensure that all San Diego residents have access to information regarding lead hazards in housing;
  • Make blood lead testing as routine as immunizations;
  • Make adequate funding available for hazard controls; and
  • Create a housing registry for potential buyers and renters.
Keeping children away from paint, dust or soil is easier said than done. San Diego County's Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program recommends the following:
  1. Keep children and their toys and furniture away fro peeling paint.
  2. Cover peeling paint with contact paper and duct tape.
  3. When cleaning a house with old paint, use a mop and water. Put a little household cleaner in the water for better results.
  4. Carefully wipe off dust from window sills and doorways with a wet paper towel. Do this at least once a week.
  5. Don't sweep. Sweeping spreads the dust around.
  6. Use plants to cover dirt around old buildings or near roadways.
  7. Use a clean sandbox instead of bare ground for small children to dig in.
  8. Do not try to remove paint or remodel without professional help. Do not sand, scrape, or burn this paint.

If your house was build before 1978, assume it contains lead-based paint. Homes build after 1978 usually are safe from lead paint.

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