Environmental Health Coalition is governed by a board of directors comprised of community members, environmental health experts and representatives from allied organizations. Various campaign advisory boards nominate new members, and the current board members elect them.


Margaret Godshalk, President
Educator, National School District (retired)

Margart GodshalkMargaret is a life-long resident of National City and has been a school teacher at Kimball Elementary for more than 20 years. She first became involved with EHC in the late 1980’s when she field-tested our Household Toxics curriculum with her fourth grade students. Over the years the intersection of her interests with EHC’s work continued to grow - from eliminating the toxic pollution in her community to protecting the Paradise Creek Watershed to developing new community leaders. Margaret became a Board Member in 1996 and was elected President in 2010. Margaret is a member of EHC’s Old Town-National City Toxic-Free Neighborhoods Community Action Team. She and her husband Ted are the founders of the Paradise Creek Educational Park.

Working with the Environmental Health Coalition enriches her life. Margaret enjoys camping, biking and kayaking with the "Creek Kids" on bird-watching excursions.


Enrique Medina, Vice President
Alliance Consulting International

Enrique MedinaEnrique joined the EHC Board of Directors in 2009. As an environmental and occupational health and safety professional with more than 20 years of international experience, he served as the technical advisor to EHC’s Tijuana Community Action Team, the Colectivo Chilpancingo Pro Justicia Ambiental, for the cleanup of the Metales y Derivados toxic site. He is a California Air Resources Board accredited Lead Verifier for Greenhouse Gas Emission reports. Enrique is a member of the Border Environmental Justice Campaign’s Community Action Team.

Enrique been a strong supporter of EHC's mission for a long time and has worked with some of the staff on and off on over the years. However, since joining the Board of Directors, he has had the opportunity to observe the organization from within more closely. He looks forward to every board meeting for the chance to listen to thoughtful positions on issues that affect our lives and to see these ideas turn into successful actions with tangible benefits for our communities.


Dan McKirnan, Ph.D., Treasurer
Biomedical Scientist

Dan McKirnanDan is a Consultant in Preclinical Research and Development and a former research faculty member at the UCSD School of Medicine. His research has focused on cardiovascular disease. Dan’s love of the natural world and his commitment to environmental protection led to his strong connection with EHC. Dan was a founding member of the Clean Bay Campaign in 1985 and he has continued to serve as a member of the Community Action Team for the Campaign focused on the cleanup, restoration and protection of San Diego Bay. Dan serves as a member of the Finance Team and the Fund Development Committee.

He continues to be inspired by the work of EHC’s staff, community volunteers and Promotoras who fight for healthy communities and environmental and social justice. Dan enjoys health and fitness activities and is a member of the San Diego Flyfishers.


Roberta Alexander, PhD, Secretary

roberta alexander phd environmental health coalition boardRoberta Alexander served as a faculty member in the San Diego Community College District for over 35 years. She served as Department Chair for English as a Second Language in Continuing Education at Centre City Adult School, and Department Chair of English at San Diego City College. At City College, she taught in the Chicano Studies, English, and Black Studies Departments. Roberta served as the coordinator of the Labor Studies Program, which under her leadership initiated Occupational Safety and Health classes. She oversaw the San Diego City College Accreditation report and served as President of the Academic Senate.

She is excited to be a member of the Board of Directors of EHC because of the strong community involvement in the programs.



Beatriz Barraza
Colaborativo Saber, Retired

Bea BarrazaBea joined the EHC Board of Directors in 1987 and served as President from 1990 until 2010. She is currently Chair of EHC’s Fund Development Committee. Bea has a background in maternal, child, and community health, and was instrumental in developing the “Promotora” model for peer-to-peer community health promotion. In 1996, she helped adapt this model for EHC’s first SALTA leadership training program. Bea has served on many advisory committees, including the tri-national Expert Advisory Board on Children’s Health and the Environment for the Commission on Environmental Cooperation and the Children’s Health Protection Committee of the U.S. EPA.

Following her retirement from Colaborativo Saber, Bea became a docent at the San Diego Museum of Art where she has the opportunity to share her love of art, particularly Mexican and Latin American art.


Terry Bunting
Labor Representative
California Nurses Association-National Nurses United

terry buntingTerry Bunting has been a Labor Representative with the California Nurses Association-National Nurses United for nearly 15 years, working to protect the rights of registered nurses in their roles as patient advocates. CNA-NNU has led the fight for single-payer healthcare, protection of Social Security and many campaigns to protect and enhance our social safety net. CNA-NNU nurses speak out over the many threats to public health of environmental pollution and inadequate access to healthcare.

Born and raised in San Diego, Terry grew up in City Heights and Oak Park neighborhoods, and graduated from San Diego State University with a degree in social science with an emphasis in the environment. Terry has worked in labor advocacy over 20 years and is passionate about fighting for workers’ rights, public health and environmental justice.  


Marry Grillo
Retired, SEIU

Mary GrilloGrillo recently retired from SEIU after 35 years of fighting for economic justice for working people. Ms. Grillo spent 20 years advocating for the rights of local government employees, janitorial workers, and healthcare workers with SEIU in San Diego and Riverside counties. During that time, she was elected as the Executive Director for Local 2028 in San Diego from 1996-2005. In 2006, she went on to work for SEIU International Union supporting regional and local unions' efforts to organize for the rights of workers.

In addition to her work with SEIU, Ms. Grillo co-founded the Center on Policy Initiatives in 1997 and worked with the Interfaith Committee for Worker Justice. Since her retirement, Ms Grillo has been active at the San Diego Museum of Art as a Docent, served as a volunteer for the San Diego Rapid Response team for immigrants seeking asylum in the US and served as a board member of Alliance San Diego. 


Ruth Heifetz, M.D., M.P.H.
Senior Lecturer
UCSD School of Medicine

Ruth HeifetzRuth M. Heifetz is a founding member of Environmental Health Coalition. She is a physician and humanitarian. Ruth was inducted into the San Diego County’s Hall of Fame of the Women’s History Museum in 2005 as a trailblazer for occupational health and environmental justice. For more than 30 years, she has fought for the health of families exposed to toxic materials in their communities and workplaces. Preventing harm has always been her priority, from promoting pesticide reduction policies to fighting for the cleanup of San Diego Bay to educating women about the impacts of toxic chemicals. Ruth serves on EHC’s Fund Development Committee.

Ruth finds the dedication and wisdom of EHC staff and community leaders inspiring. Ruth enjoys working to make people’s homes, workplaces and neighborhoods safer and healthier places for all.


Roddy Jerome
Community Member

roddy jeromeOriginally from Hawaii but now a resident of City Heights, Roddy Jerome has a vested interest in what goes on in his community. In 2011, he started to attend EHC community meetings in City Heights to learn about how his neighborhood and the entire region is impacted by dirty energy, lack of good transportation and a variety of other environmental justice issues. In 2013, Roddy attended and testified at state energy hearings, San Diego City Council committees about the City's climate action plan, SANDAG hearings about the Mid-City bike corridor and in Sacramento to lobby state legislators.

The aspect of community advocacy Roddy enjoys most is knocking on doors and informing his friends and neighbors about the common issues that affect all of us, urging them to get involved. Roddy continues his involvement with City Heights and EHC and is a perfect example of social change for justice.


Sonia Ruan
Principal, National School District

Sonia Ruan has been transforming National City one classroom at a time. As Principal of Kimball Elementary School, Sonia is an important leader in her neighborhood, currently overseeing a dual-language immersion program for her elementary students.

With more than 15 years of experience as an educator, Sonia connects deeply with EHC’s mission to empower our community members to be leaders for environmental justice. Sonia also has nearly a decade of national park ranger experience, giving her a personalized understanding of environmental justice as a place where climate change and social equity intersect.