Environmental Health Coalition - Sitemap
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- News
- Port ships are becoming L.A.’s biggest polluters. Will California force a cleanup?
- San Diego Police boost efforts to keep heavy-duty trucks off Barrio Logan streets
- Proposed mixed-use, affordable-housing project in National City gets support from city
- San Diego’s climate equity report targets neighborhoods that need investment
- Where pollution is worst in San Diego
- Groups work to revive Barrio Logan community plan update
- Vulnerable communities continue to bear greater pollution burden
- KPBS Midday Edition
- Coronavirus Has Reduced Air Pollution, But Not The Risk In Some San Diego Communities
- Future Air Pollution in San Diego Bay Hinges on the Navy’s Needs
- National City ataca de frente el reto de promover el censo a distancia durante la pandemia
- San Diego’s New Parks Plan Hopes for Quality over Quantity
- California first in the nation to require diesel vehicle manufacturers to go electric
- Smoke from burning Navy ship in San Diego triggers health concerns, pollution monitoring
- Combaten incendio en el buque USS Bonhomme Richard por segundo día
- Answers on Navy Fire’s Health Impacts Won’t Come Right Away
- Air Quality Concerns Surround USS Bonhomme Richard Fire
- Julie Corrales: Barrio Logan has faced environmental racism for generations. We want justice
- Maragret Avalos Godshalk: Smoke from the Navy ship fire is another assault on National City. Our community deserves better
- Diane Takvorian: We’ve known about these risks for decades. Nonaction is explicitly racist
- Regulators Say Bonhomme Richard Fire Smoke Not A Health Risk
- Meeting offers glimpse of possibilities in National City
- Discussing air quality in San Diego on 3rd annual Clean Air Day
- Clean Air Day A Reminder of San Diego’s Not So Clean Air
- Voting Alone
- Unhealthy Air Quality From Wildfires Putting Vulnerable Communities At Risk
- Tiny air pollution rise linked to 11% more Covid-19 deaths – study
- Environment Report: Advocates Want Zero-Emission Trucks in Portside Neighborhoods
- Truck traffic around San Diego’s portside neighborhood would triple with new deal
- San Diego air district overhaul underway with selections for new oversight board
- MTS To Lower Youth Fares, Bring Back Free Transfers On Busses And Trolleys
- Pandemic Life: How COVID-19 Is Changing San Diego’s Transportation Planning
- San Diego’s shipping industry under pressure to electrify, nix diesel pollution
- Atacarán problema de contaminación en comunidades latinas de la región
- Residentes exigen mejoras al sistema de transporte público de San Diego
- SANDAG criticized for not prioritizing transportation needs for low-income commuters
- San Diego’s high-speed rail plan hinges on urban density as population growth wanes
- National City looks at turning its southwest corner into a 10-minute neighborhood
- Coalition seeks equity for communities with residential/commercial mixes that can foster unhealthy habitats
- The next test for environmental justice policy? Defining ‘disadvantaged communities.’
- Free Electric Shuttle Coming to National City
- Grant brings cleaner transportation to National City
- National City Ask Port of SD to Invest
- Port of San Diego adopts sweeping new clean air plan
- Port of San Diego to electrify freight trucks, cranes, even some tugboats by 2030
- News Archive 2019
- News Archive 2018
- Community Garden to Grow in National City
- MTS Board Elects Georgette Gomez as Chair
- Sign of the Times: Progressive Gomez Takes Over at Stodgy MTS
- San Diego Legislators Lead the State on Environmental Justice
- Candidates Square Off for Alvarez's Council Seat
- District 8 Candidates Attend Forum to Discuss Key Community Issues
- March 22, 2018: Environmental Health Coalition to Recognize Local, National Social Justice Champions at Annual Awards Celebration
- City’s Truck Resolution Insufficient Residents Say
- March 23, 2018: Community Disappointed in Modest Emission Reduction Standards Set For SANDAG
- Politics Report: Votes Thrown Out in Barrio Logan
- Morning Report: Coastal Loophole Allows Houses to Balloon in Size
- How Proposition 70 Threatens Climate Investments
- April 9, 2018: EHC Says Barrio Logan Planning Group Stifles Community Voice With Decision to Invalidate March 21 Election
- Decertification of Barrio Logan Planning Group Election a Civil Rights Issue, Say Activists
- April 13, 2018: Barrio Logan Clean Air Safe Streets Ordinance Approved Unanimously By City Environment Committee
- Port of San Diego Chairman Rafael Castellanos Praises Truck Ordinance
- Barrio Logan Election Do-over
- May 14, 2018: Safe Routes to School National Partnership Selects Environmental Health Coalition to Improve Local Park Access
- Building Democracy: People and Purpose in San Diego County
- 12 Years in, National City Has Only Booted Two Polluting Businesses From Residential Neighborhoods
- Morning Report: National City Struggles to Untangle Homes and Polluting Businesses
- National City Wins Big In SANDAG Smart Growth Grant Program
- Why Energy Policy Must Include Environmental Justice
- Study Shows Lack of Diversity Among San Diego Leaders
- In Barrio Logan, a New Chicano Park Mural Reflects on History and Promotes Unity
- October 3, 2018: Barrio Logan's Top Environmental Justice Advocates Convened to Share History and Prepare for the November Election
- Public Works Site Transformed Into Affordable Housing
- Barrio Logan Community Plan Back in the Spotlight
- Environmental Justice Advocates Blast San Diego for Lack of Progress on Climate Plan
- October 22, 2018: New Report Evaluates Climate Action Plan’s Progress in San Diego’s Low-Income Communities of Color, Identifies Immediate Solutions
- Environment Report: Report Throws Shade on Climate Plan's Impact in Low-Income Communities
- Activists Push For Environmental Justice In San Diego Neighborhoods
- Activists Call on San Diego Officials to Make Climate Improvements
- Legislating a Just Transition off Fossil Fuels: San Diego Champions Lead on Climate and Energy Policies
- November 13: Presentation of Comic Book on Arroyo Alamar created by a youth group in Tijuana
- November 17: Comic Book Launch Provides Information on the Environmental Importance of the Arroyo Alamar
- Tijuana Youth Group Launches Comic Book Focused On Conservation
- Presentan 'Mi comunidad y el Alamar', con información de flora y fauna
- People of the Year 2018: Philomena Marino
- December 4: San Diego Passes Resolution to Restrict Truck Pollution in Barrio Logan
- City Council Votes to Re-Route Truck Traffic in Barrio Logan
- Opinion: San Diego Can Be a Leader in California’s Transition Off Fossil Fuels
- News Archive 2017
- News Archive 2016
- News Archive 2015
- News Archive 2014
- News Archive Before 2014
- Videos
- Press Releases
- December 15, 2015: San Diego City Council Adopts Precedent-Setting Climate Action Plan with Strong Social Equity Requirements
- January 25, 2016: Quality of Life Coalition Calls On SANDAG To Spend Tax Dollars on What Communities Need
- February 4, 2016: Speaker Atkins Appoints Longtime Environmental Justice Leader Diane Takvorian to Air Resources Board
- February 18, 2016: California Air Resources Board welcomes two new members
- March 22, 2016: Binational Environmental Justice Champions to be Recognized on April 14
- April 14, 2016: Environmental Health Coalition Celebrates Community-Driven Milestone in National City
- June 1, 2016: Leaders of San Diego Organizations Declare Prop I is “The One Thing on the Ballot that Improves Lives Immediately”
- June 5, 2016: California Air Resources Board Seeks Public Comment on Climate Change Policy in Barrio Logan
- July 14, 2016: Community Members Urge State Leaders For Transportation Improvements to Mitigate Impacts of Climate Change
- August 23, 2016: Environmental Health Coalition Says Proposed Tenth Avenue Marine Terminal Expansion Detrimental to Community
- September 26, 2016: New Law Ensures Local Governments Include Environmental Justice in General Plans
- December 13, 2016: Barrio Logan’s Tenth Avenue Marine Terminal Expansion Takes Step Toward Sustainability
- February 7, 2017: New Data Show San Diego’s Low-Income Communities of Color Remain Among Most Heavily Polluted in California
- February 9, 2017: San Diego Leaders Earn Perfect Scores on Environmental Justice
- March 29, 2017: Social Justice Visionaries to Receive Honors on April 20
- April 18, 2017: Environmental Health Coalition Celebrates Victory for National City
- August 17, 2017: National City Council Votes to Prohibit Polluting Auto Body Shop Near New Affordable Housing
- October 11, 2017: Environmental Health Coalition Rejoices at New Era of Transportation Justice as California Governor Signs AB805
- November 14, 2017: Local Students to Develop New Mural for Barrio Logan
- December 15, 2017: Community Demands State Leaders Hold SANDAG To Strict Emission Reduction Standards with SB 375
- December 22, 2017: National City Residents Celebrate Local Oversight of Community Garden
- February 8: New Legislation Calls for Reform of San Diego Air Pollution Control District
- April 15: Carolina Martinez and Paradise Creek Apartments Receive National Planning Award
- June 25: Community Budget Alliance pushes for a People’s Budget
- August 9: Barrio Logan Truck Crash Endangers Residents
- August 27: Kresge Foundation awards $100,000 planning grant to Environmental Health Coalition to build climate resilience, improve health
- October 12: Governor Newsom Signs Assembly Bill 423 to Reform San Diego Air Pollution Control District
- April 28: Winner of ‘Nobel Prize’ in Air Quality Achievements is First-Ever Environmental Justice Recipient of Prestigious Award
- May 19: Environmental Justice Victory for National City as Port of San Diego Hears Community Demands and Rejects New Shipyard Proposal
- June 26: California Strategic Growth Council awards Environmental Health Coalition $200,000 for Transformative Climate Communities Program in Barrio Logan
- August 20: Environmental Health Coalition Celebrates 40 Years of Environmental Justice Victories
- December 11: San Diego Board of Port Commissioners Delays Consideration of Polluting Project, Responding to Community Demands for Electric Truck Requirements
- Three Public Members Join Newly Reformed San Diego Air Pollution Control District Board Ushering in a New Era of Clean Air
- Under Increasing Community Pressure, Port of San Diego Charts New Direction to Meaningful Clean Air Strategy
- Clean Air Plan Aims to Reduce Cancer Risk for Portside Communities
- Barrio Logan Finally Gets A Community Plan That Protects Residents
- Community Advocates Celebrate San Diego's Transportation Plan
- Press Release Archive
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