Community applauds Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez-Fletcher for championing the bill to reform San Diego’s regional transportation agency

SAN DIEGO, October 11, 2017 – As California Governor Jerry Brown signed AB805 into law this afternoon, Environmental Health Coalition (EHC) rejoiced at a brighter future for transportation opportunities in San Diego’s low-income neighborhoods of color. The organization, which has spent more than 35 years fighting toxic pollution in the San Diego / Tijuana region, says AB805 is the first step in bringing accessible and affordable transportation options to local communities often overlooked by the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG), the public agency leading regional transportation planning.

“The community support behind this bill was unmistakable. From the over 600 letters delivered to Governor Jerry Brown’s desk to the many residents testifying at local and state hearings, the need for a SANDAG that advances transportation justice was crystal clear,” says EHC Transportation Justice Policy Advocate Ana Reynoso. “We commend Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez-Fletcher for hearing those voices and championing this bill from start to finish.”

Among a variety of changes the bill will mandate at SANDAG, AB805 is the first step towards an equitable transportation system in the San Diego region that achieves:

  • Investments in transit, pedestrian, and bicycling infrastructure in San Diego’s most impacted neighborhoods first
  • Voting authority based on population size to ensure fair representation
  • Protection for public health and the environment from toxic air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions
  • Abundant and affordable transportation options that bring community members better access to jobs, housing and services

According to EHC, AB805 marks the beginning of a new SANDAG – a SANDAG that is equitable and representative of the neighborhoods where the need for affordable and accessible public transportation and bike and pedestrian infrastructure remains highest.
“Simply put, this bill is a major milestone in our mission to bring transportation justice to all people in San Diego,” says Reynoso. “It’s a milestone on the path toward an equitable region, and we intend to see the implementation of this bill through every step.”
For more information about Environmental Health Coalition and its work for transportation justice, please visit


ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH COALITION: Founded in 1980, Environmental Health Coalition (EHC) builds grassroots campaigns to confront the unjust consequences of toxic pollution, discriminatory land use and unsustainable energy policies. Visit us online at