• Advocates say San Diego’s transportation planning agency must reach 25 percent emission reduction goal by 2035
  • Organization remains steadfast to reduce harmful impacts of climate change in low-income communities of color

SAN DIEGO, December 15, 2017 – Yesterday, Environmental Health Coalition (EHC), an organization fighting for environmental justice in the San Diego/Tijuana region, urged the California Air Resources Board to hold San Diego’s public agency leading regional transportation planning, the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG), accountable to strict pollution-reduction standards under SB 375 implementation. Community members traveled to Sacramento to deliver testimony that advocated for a 25 percent reduction in SANDAG’s current emissions by the year 2035.

“We traveled more than 500 miles to look our decision makers in the eyes and tell them we don’t have any time to waste in addressing the jeopardized health of our families,” says Ana Reynoso, transportation justice policy advocate at EHC. “It’s critical that our state leaders hear from the people who suffer most from SANDAG’s lack of action.”

SB 375 mandates that regional transportation planning agencies throughout the state meet required greenhouse gas emission-reduction goals by 2035. EHC and a coalition of San Diego organizations are advocating for a required 25 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from SANDAG.

EHC, the region’s only environmental justice organization, maintains that SANDAG has long neglected requests from residents for a strong transportation system that centers on the needs of the most underserved neighborhoods.

“SANDAG must put public health first and rethink its freeway-centric transportation planning. We need a real and accessible public transit network inclusive of safe pedestrian and biking infrastructure,” says Carolina Martinez, EHC associate director of policy. “We eagerly anticipate the day that SANDAG shares our vision for a healthy region and implements the community-oriented steps needed to get us there.”

To collect community input for SB 375 implementation, California Air Resources Board will follow today’s hearing with a series of public workshops throughout the state and a final vote in March 2018.

For more information on environmental justice in the San Diego / Tijuana region, please visit www.environmentalhealth.org.


ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH COALITION: Founded in 1980, Environmental Health Coalition (EHC) builds grassroots campaigns to confront the unjust consequences of toxic pollution, discriminatory land use and unsustainable energy policies. Visit us online at http://www.environmentalhealth.org.