Congratulations are in order for latest graduates of our SALTA leadership-training course. SALTA (Salud Ambiental, Líderes Tomando Acción – Environmental Health, Leaders Taking Action) is a nine-session program that provides skills training on organizing, advocacy, power, and media relations. Since 1995, more than 1,500 Community Leaders have graduated from SALTA including EHC staff members Rodrigo, Tuann, Aurora, Maria Sagura and Monique.

This SALTA course is the first ever to be taught in three different languages: English, Spanish and Vietnamese. 


“Each time I facilitate a SALTA session I am amazed and inspired by the community leaders who attend. This session was no different,” says SALTA facilitator Sarah Furman. “These women and men take hours out of their lives each week to learn how to make their communities healthier and more united - something that doesn't go unnoticed by EHC staff and members. Because of these community leaders we continue to be a strong voice and force in the San Diego region, improving our communities one action at a time.”


Student and EHC staff Aurora Zabish was equally inspired, "I liked seeing that there are people in the community that care enough about their communities to participate in a training like this." 

Associate Director Leticia Ayala comments, “SALTA empowers community members by sharpening their skills as leaders and organizers. With those abilities developed, we can take action to build power and win justice in our neighborhoods so that our communities are a clean and healthy place to live, work and play.


But SALTA is not just a leadership-training course. It is also designed to motivate community leaders to take strong and direct action for environmental justice. Ayala says, “One of SALTA’s key goals is to help all residents to see themselves as community leaders and then make a pledge to join our cause. They can use their own power and the power of their communities collectively to move and influence decision makers. After SALTA, these leaders can create the real change we all want in our neighborhoods.”