Did you know: Every time you purchase a non-food item at the store, a percentage of the taxes you see on your receipt go to fund local transportation projects?

This sales tax is called "TransNet." The San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG), collects the tax and distributes a small amount of that funding to cities in San Diego County.

The City of San Diego gets close to 30-million dollars each year, in addition to other federal and state funds, to decide what type of improvements to local streets and sidewalks.


Start Here - Overburdened Communities Need Help Most

We recommend that the City prioritize transportation projects in communities that are:

  • most impacted by air pollution due to cars and trucks on local streets and freeways;
  • have greatest percentages of children with asthma; and
  • have the greatest risk of being hit by car while walking or biking.

These communities include City Heights, Logan Heights, Sherman Heights, Barrio Logan and San Ysidro.

Start Now - Here's How

So how can the City of San Diego use its funds for transportation justice? It can begin by transforming streets and public space into a place where it is safe for people to walk, bike, take transit and drive, or as we like to call it: "Complete Streets."

Complete Streets means streets are not just built for cars, but for all modes of transportation. When a city builds infrastructure that accommodates more than automobiles, it's been shown to increase other modes of transportation drastically.

Complete Streets have roundabouts to slow down traffic, wide sidewalks to encourage walking, protected bike lanes to separate bicyclists from traffic and streetlights to name a few.

The City needs to dedicate funding to make Complete Streets possible.

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Everyone Wants Clean Air

Currently, the City of San Diego has a draft Climate Action Plan that sets goals to increase biking, walking and public transit. This is important because 55 percent of the pollution contributing to climate change comes from people driving alone in their car.

To reach our goal of more walking, biking and taking public transit, the City should at least match their transportation budget to the amount needed to build the streets and sidewalks it takes to accomplish climate goals.

Your Community, Your Voice

There are a number of projects that need to move forward in our communities to make it safer and more convenient to walk, bike, or take public transit. If you know of a transportation need, such as a dangerous intersection, missing crosswalks or bike lanes in your community, contact Monique Lopez at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

We must work together to ensure that our community priorities are included in the City's budget and build #healthyhoods one bike lane, sidewalk and transit stop at a time.