We’ve said time and time again, and I’m sure you’ve heard from everyone else, that this election is one of the most important elections in many years. Sure, we can all make the statement, but where are the facts?

We’ve got them right here.

SD Neighborhoods 30to50 POCSD Neighbhorhoods Legend3

EHC’s map shows the influence of our communities of color. A majority of communities south of I-8 have a majority of voters of color.

For instance, in the City of San Diego, 63% of voters of color live south of I-8, while in National City, 68% of all voters are voters of color.

These facts and our map show that if voters in our communities get out and vote on Election Day, we can be the margin of victory to pass propositions and elect a mayor that foster healthy communities. 

With that in mind, we ask you to please get out and vote and use our EHC Voter Guide to ensure your vote protects the health of your family and community. We only support state propositions that support healthy communities, clean air and environmental quality.

Our EHC staff and community members put together a message for voters out there, young and old, to encourage everyone to participate in this election. Watch, vote and tell us you voted on our Facebook Page. Show our region that the communities of color south of I-8 are the margin of victory and should be considered as some of the most powerful communities in San Diego.