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  • Corporate industry said the Barrio Logan Community Plan Update would threaten 46,000 jobs - According to a City report, it brings close to 5,000 new jobs to the community, a 47 percent increase.
  • Corporate industry the Navy would leave San Diego - The Navy publicly announced they are neutral to the issue entirely.
  • Corporate industry said apartment complexes would be built over the shipyards - zero residential construction is allowed with this plan
  • Corporate industry says it would run out all maritime businesses - All existing businesses are allowed to stay and can even expand up to twenty percent.
  • Corporate industry doesn't like the community plan update - They were involved in every step of the planning process.

Why are corporate industries telling San Diego lies? 

We do know the people fighting the Barrio Logan Community Plan Update are NOT the people who live in, or even near, Barrio Logan. These peoples' homes are far removed from any industries. They live in neighborhoods with proper zoning and health standards, as every neighborhood should have, but doesn't.

These people live toxic-free lives (see first image). The people of Barrio Logan do not (see second image).

This is why we need to support the Barrio Logan Community Plan Update and put it on the June ballot.

Please join us at City Council on Tuesday, December 17 at 2 p.m. (202 C St, 12th floor) to demand a democratic process and every persons right to live in a healthy community. We'll see you there.