Leaders of major community organizations in San Diego issued a joint statement today urging voters to approve Proposition I, which increases the minimum wage and provides five earned sick days for everyone working in the city.

“Prop I is the only thing on the June 7 ballot that will immediately improve the lives of real people in our community,” the statement noted. “Many of them are raising children, and juggling the need for multiple jobs with family needs. The people we serve deserve the dignity of being paid enough to live self-sufficiently.”

The Center on Policy Initiatives yesterday released a brief report on the impacts of Prop I, detailing who will benefit and the costs they face in San Diego. It is available at www.cpisandiego.org/prop_i_impact

The statement is signed by leaders of a wide variety of organizations: the San Diego Hunger Coalition, Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest, The San Diego LGBT Community Center, the Environmental Health Coalition, Community Housing Works, and the League of Women Voters. A list of other individuals, organizations, and businesses that have endorsed Prop I is available at www.raisethewagesd.com/endorsements.

The measure was approved by the San Diego City Council two years ago. If it passes on June 7, the San Diego minimum wage will be $10.50 as soon as the election is certified, and will go up to $11.50 in January 2017. More than 170,000 hard-working San Diegans will get a badly needed and overdue raise.

“These families struggle to find safe and affordable housing, nutritious food, and a healthy community for their children to grow,” said Diane Takvorian, Executive Director of the Environmental Health Coalition. “Prop I will move us closer to healthier communities and a healthier region, and is the right step to ensure justice for all people.”

Anahid Brakke, Executive Director of the San Diego Hunger Coalition, said: “Hunger causes terrible stress in a household and can affect a child’s chance of success at school and later in life. Raising the minimum wage now will immediately help families put food on the table.”

The leaders who signed the statement all said Prop I is important for their diverse communities and people who receive their social services.

“Given the historical patterns of discrimination and lower income amongst the LGBT community, and The Center’s mission to support the health and well-being of the LGBT community, The San Diego LGBT Community Center strongly supports Prop I,” said CEO Delores Jacobs.