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We have a vision. We bring our voices to the polls to ensure that vision prevails, to resist oppression and to engage in the most powerful demonstration of our collective strength as communities of color.

Thank you for joining us on April 19 to celebrate our dedication to civic engagement and shifting the culture of voting at our 2018 Annual Awards Celebration: United to Vote.


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We kicked off #UnitedToVote with an intimate conversation with Mustafa Santiago Ali, senior VP of the Hip Hop Caucus, former Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) senior advisor for environmental justice and our environmental justice champion awardee.


Mustafa spoke about the necessity for action to achieve environmental justice and the power we have when we come together. He reminisced about his young days as environmental justice was just beginning to earn attention at the national level and how the movement has grown to become more important than ever. 

"Our vote translates into power, and sometimes we forget that," he told us.

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Afterward we were joined by more than 400 of our allies in the environmental justice and civic engagement movement. With our incredible keynote speaker Senator Toni Atkins, President pro Tempore and San Diego City Councilwoman Georgette Gomez, we recognized our 2018 awardees:

  • Mustafa Santiago Ali - Environmental Justice Champion Award
  • Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher - Spirit of Justice Award
  • National City Councilwoman Alejandra Sotelo-Solis - Spirit of Justice Award
  • National City Councilwoman Mona Rios - Spirit of Justice Award
  • California Environmental Justice Alliance - Building Power Award
  • Engage San Diego - Building Power Award

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Twitter buzzed with #UnitedToVote inspiration throughout the evening as our guests chronicled their favorite moments. 

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It will take all of us to change the culture of voting. Thank you for helping us celebrate the trailblazers at the local, state and national level championing environmental justice and the right of all people to have a safe and healthy place to live work and play. 

See you next year!