solargrovewebAfter digging into recent statewide polling from the California League of Conservation Voters (CLCV), EHC found that more San Diego Latino voters support environmental initiatives including renewable energy and protecting the environment to create jobs than the rest of California.

Our Latino population in San Diego County is growing. That also means we have a growing number of environmentally conscious voters that can make big impacts in the upcoming election.

The statewide data show this about San Diego Latino voters:

  • 94% agree that we can protect the environment and create jobs
  • 82% consider themselves “conservationists”
  • Over 90% support energy conservation and renewable energy
  • Over 80% feel that pollution is threatening their family’s health

These results show that our communities will have an overwhelming voice in how the environment is considered at the polls this election.

We already knew this. Our Voter Empowerment team and our Community Action Teams meet and talk with community members on a regular basis. We’ve been doing this work for over 30 years. Here’s what else we know - no matter where you live, how much you make or what color your skin is, we should all care about clean air, water and energy in our neighborhoods – especially at the ballot box.

Because we know our communities care about the health of their neighborhoods and environment, every person at EHC is working around the clock to educate voters and get them out to vote. We’re making sure “environmentally friendly” is the magic word voters think about when they’re making choices on November 6.

Please make sure you get out to vote on November 6 and check out the EHC Voter Guide for info on propositions we support. Your Vote. Your Voice.