
“Urban transit systems in most American cities, for example, have become a genuine civil rights issue. If transportation systems in American cities could be laid out so as to provide an opportunity for poor people to get meaningful employmentt, then they could begin to move into the mainstream of American life.”
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Communities along the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Freeway (SR-94) need more transportation options, such as public transit stops, bike lanes and walking paths –our elected officials agree! And EHC is proudly paving the way!

gloria2 square“We need to build on the investments we have made in our Bus Rapid Transit lines. I am advocating for a BRT stop to serve the communities of Golden Hill and Sherman Heights.”
- Councilmember Todd Gloria, Third District


Gonzalez headshot square“My constituents have shared their concerns with the impact an expanded freeway would have on air quality, and have requested improved access to regional travel. We kindly ask [to] include these community-based alternatives in the DEIR.”
- Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez, 80th District


alvarez square“[By including these alternatives] the community will have a comprehensive understanding of the transit situation in this corridor and the decision makers can make a more informed decision on how to best spend our limited transit dollars”
- Councilmember David Alvarez, Eighth District


myrtle cole square“I fully support the communities request for alternatives [that] may help us achieve the goals of our Climate Action Plan and will improve transit mobility not only for our impacted, overburdened, and underserved communities along the freeway, but for the entire region.”
- Councilmember Myrtle Cole, Fourth Council District


marti emeraldsquare“The communities adjacent to the SR-94 have been historically underserved by public transit… please consider alternatives suggested by the community.”
- Council President, Marti Emerald, San Diego City Council


After months of persistent advocacy, in mid-July SANDAG announced its plan to reverse course on freeway expansion. Instead they will include community-supported alternatives in the environmental review for the Martin Luther King Freeway/SR94 and allocate $31 million for an innovative transit demonstration project.  The announcement directly responds to community concerns about the irreversible harm freeway expansion would cause.

With your contribution, we can continue prioritizing people before polluting freeways.

EHC, in partnership with City Heights CDC, MAAC, will continue advocating for a transit stop in the Sherman Heights/Golden Hill communities. This is one step in a larger march for transportation justice. Will you join the march with us?


$25 (or $2/month) – Posters for a public hearing on transportation planning
$120 (or $10/month) – One day of door-to-door campaigning for better transit in low-income communities
$500 (or $40/month) – Mobilizing 50 community members to attend a public hearing
$1,500 (or $125/month) – Four-week SALTA leadership training course on transportation justice for 55 community residents

Monique López
Policy Advocate
Environmental Health Coalition