Can you believe it – it’s already August! You know what that means - Soon the kids head back to school and the days become shorter and cooler. Make the most of the remaining days with a few tips from the Environmental Protection Agency to stay happy, healthy and safe outdoors. bridge

  1. Be sun healthy. Stay in the shade and wear a hat and sunscreen to avoid nasty burns. Remember, the sun is hottest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

  2. Save water. Water your lawn only in the early mornings or late evenings and consider watering every two to three days. Keep use to just one inch per week.

  3. Play responsibly. Enjoy all the sand and surf San Diego has to offer, but make sure to be responsible! Swim safely, wear sunscreen, stay hydrated, watch out for pollution, and always pay attention to the lifeguards.lungtest

  4. Be aware of pollution. Pay attention to pollution in your community; Use the EPA’s tool to know where the air, water or land pollution is heaviest in your community and avoid those areas if possible. 

  5. Lower your energy use. Use energy star appliances to lower your energy use and save on your electricity bill.

  6. Stay cool. In the car, stay cool at low speeds by rolling down the windows; stay cool at high speeds by using the AC.

  7. Breathe right. Monitor air quality through apps like AirNow’s Air Quality Index to make sure you aren’t breathing toxic pollution.

Please share these tips with your friends, family and neighbors and enjoy the rest of your summer.