girl-pinataProtect your Child - Buy these Certified Lead-Free Candies

Lead is known to cause permanent and serious damage to children. It may still be found in many consumer products, including candy. The lead comes from ingredients, contaminated equipment and ink on candy wrappers.

In October 2005, the EHC Healthy Kids Campaign won passage of the first state law to ban the sale of lead-contaminated candies, generally imported from other countries, which significantly threaten children's health. This victory was the culmination of a three-year campaign that started with an EHC leader discovering the presence of lead in her child's candy. Implementation of the law is being monitored by EHC and enhanced by a settlement of EHC's Prop 65 lawsuit against major candy manufacturers.

Today, most candy is safe to eat. You can view the latest lead-in-candy results from the California Department of Public Health by clicking here.

For more information, download this list of certified lead-safe candy (in Spanish).