yesbccouncil copyCouncilmember Todd Gloria has been taking strides to reform the referendum process in San Diego. In his previous role as Council President, he and San Diego City Council supported the Barrio Logan community when corporations launched a deceptive referendum that ultimately repealed the community-developed and long overdue plan that would make Barrio Logan a healthier place to live.

The dishonest process resurfaced again when City Council voted to raise the minimum wage and increase paid sick time off and multi-national, billion-dollar corporations paid signature gatherers to mislead voters into signing. Now, Councilman Gloria is moving to reform referendum policies and restore true democracy to the people of San Diego.

Recently the U-T San Diego ran an editorial criticizing these efforts titled “Bad Councilman Todd Gloria”. We had to speak up. Todd Gloria’s efforts clearly do not to thwart the democratic process, but do just the opposite- protect it.

Below is Diane Takvorian’s response to the U-T, which can also be found here.

Councilman Todd Gloria’s efforts to reform the City’s referendum system is exactly what’s needed to restore true democracy to the people of San Diego. Rather than “Bad Councilman Todd Gloria”, he is shining a light on a system that allows multi-national corporations to exact undue influence over legislative decisions. Case in point is the defeat of the Barrio Logan Community Plan Update in June 2014 as the result of a referendum financed by the multi-billion dollar shipbuilding industry. After four years of extensive community participation by thousands of residents that resulted in a compromise approved by the City Council that would have improved the community by mitigating pollution and reducing childhood asthma, the plan was repealed by voters. This, despite a finding by a local judge confirming that the public had been deceived by the signature gatherers but still allowed the election to proceed.

Ultimately the special interests opposing the Barrio Logan plan spent over $1,700,000 to win their referendum campaign, outspending the local community by 17:1 and leaving the outdated and dangerous industrial zoning in place. This is a clear example of the distortion of a true democratic process at the expense of community residents who will have to live with the devastating effects. Reform is overdue and Councilman Gloria is leading the way.

Diane Takvorian
Executive Director
Environmental Health Coalition

With your help, we’ve been calling for SANDAG to create a #transportationjustice plan for our communities for years. Transportation justice means all neighborhoods have equal access to public transit, bicycling and walking opportunities and no one is overburdened with the pollution from cars on neighborhood streets or freeways.



Finally in September 2014, SANDAG agreed to look into the costs and benefits of such a plan. Now in January 2015, they released a potential plan but it still lacks the needs identified by the community.

So transportation justice advocates ask that:

  • SANDAG create a plan that deprioritizes freeway expansion projects to prioritize and invest in public transit, bicycling and walking instead. This leads to greater transportation access and significantly reduces air pollution in communities already overburdened from the air quality impacts of freeways in their neighborhoods.
  • Once this plan is developed, SANDAG treat it as a legitimate option by putting it through the same environmental review process as the freeway-centered plan. Without this review process, our #transportationjustice plan doesn’t stand an equal chance.

What are they saying?

  • SANDAG claims there is not enough funding to support operations and maintenance for more public transit, bicycling and walking paths. But the truth remains that SANDAG doesn’t have enough funds to support operation and maintenance for freeway infrastructure, yet they still vote to expand freeways. This makes it clear that if there is a will for funding there is a way, SANDAG just has it’s priorities wrong.

We need you to help them focus on what really matters: Accessible and affordable public transit. Safe infrastructure for bicycling and walking. Less freeways, cars and trucks. Cleaner air. Lower asthma rates. Healthier San Diego. Sustainable future.

Here are two things you can do to make your voice heard:

  • Attend the SANDAG hearing

SANDAG is discussing the plan publicly on January 29 and we need your voice to be heard and your presence to be felt. To get involved in demanding transportation justice, please contact Monique Lopez today: 619-474-0220 x 130 or email her at Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo..

  • Tell SANDAG that we demand transportation justice.

Right now, you can tell five of the SANDAG board members who will be evaluating the transportation plan. You can start with the message below, feel free to alter the content to make it meaningful to your own neighborhood.

City of San Diego
Todd Gloria, Council Member
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City of Chula Vista
Hon. Mary Salas
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City of Encinitas
Hon. Lisa Shaffer, Councilmember 
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City of Santee
Hon. Jack Dale, Councilmember 
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City of Solana Beach
Hon. Lesa Heebner, Mayor
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Email template:

Dear _______,

My name is _______. I am deeply concerned by the transportation scenarios proposed by SANDAG.

The freeway-heavy plan is unjust and doesn't meet the community's needs for transportation justice.

Transportation justice means all neighborhoods have equal access to public transit, bicycling and walking opportunities and no one is overburdened with the pollution from cars on neighborhood streets or freeways.

The plan builds more freeways that will continue to pollute our air, raise the rate of childhood asthma, and will not ease traffic congestion. I ask you to advocate for a plan that deprioritizes freeway expansion projects and invest in public transit, bicycling and walking instead and treat it as a legitimate option by putting it through the same environmental review process as the freeway-centered plan.

Thank you for representing the people’s demands for transportation justice.

Do you live near the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Freeway (SR-94) or commute to downtown San Diego from the South Bay? Then you're probably tired of sitting in traffic, breathing polluted air and living trapped in so few safe and affordable transportation options. 

This doesn't have to be our reality. San Diego has the opportunity to improve public transit, walking paths and biking options to positively impact our air quality, health and commutes. 

94 example freeway structureThe San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) has proposed plans that make things worse along the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Freeway, suggesting spending $500-600 million to widen the freeway with an elevated ramp (similair to the one pictured to the right) that would accommodate transit systems and high-occupancy vehicles.

Unforrtunately, SANDAG’s proposal for the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Freeway negatively impacts communities in several ways.

There are more efficient, effective and healthy options available. EHC works with residents to ensure funds spent on the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Freeway corridor go toward:

  • Improving transit, walking and biking safety and benefits for the region and for communities near the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Freeway
  • Reducing air pollution caused by surrounding freeway traffic

Will you join us? You can make a huge difference as a voice for your community. Contact Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo. to get information and get involved.

2014 Holiday photoAs we launch a new year I want to thank you for the incredible work you do for environmental justice. EHC is an amazing team of board, staff and community leaders and I am grateful for the opportunity to work with all of you and I am inspired by you every day.

As I think about the coming year and my own new year's resolutions I'm reminded (again) of Don Miguel Ruiz's Code for Life – The Four Agreements - which seems like a good way to start the new year!

  • Be impeccable with your word - Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.
  • Don't take anything personally - Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won't be the victim of needless suffering.
  • Don't make assumptions - Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.
  • Always do your best - Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse and regret.

Happy New Year!


When we look back at 2014 we're inspired by the victories you helped us achieve, bringing our communities closer to #healthyhoods.

We remember:

barrio live 2014 bus

  1. Implementing 201 affordable housing units in Westside National City -- with groundbreaking scheduled in 2015.
    The leadership of Councilwoman Alejandra Sotelo-Solis and EHC Leader Adriana Alfaro were invaluable to this victory.
  2. Launching the nation's first lead-free candy website.
    Children and toxics don't mix. Our lead free candy resource addresses your concerns and questions about keeping your children safe from lead in candy. 
  3. Finalizing a Climate Plan for San Diego -- slated for approval in 2015!
    San Diego will finally have a climate plan that works towards cleaner air, transportation justice and green jobs. 
  4. Uniting the Barrio Logan community for a community plan update.
    We are united and ready to continue fighting for community plan update that works towards #healthyhoods. 
  5. Saving the Arroyo Alamar - united with our allies in Tijuana to prevent channelization.
    We were proud to organize Colectivo Ollín Calli, members of the Colectivo Chilpancingo Pro Justicia Ambiental, Jóvenes Pro Justicia Ambiental, residents of the Colonia Chilpancingo and more to submit a petition to stop channelization harmful to the local ecosystem.
  6. Leading SALTA training in three languages for the first time.
    Leaders will now be prepared to organize their communities to fight for environmental justice in Vietnamese, Spanish and English. See SALTA graduate Tuan Luu’s reaction to graduating from SALTA. 
  7. Transportation justice advocates advancing transit, bicycling and walking before freeway expansion.
    We’ve have shown city decision makers that our communities demand transportation plans that work for all types of commuters and keep our air clean. 
  8. Port of San Diego finalizing its Climate Action Plan.
    The Port of San Diego’s Climate Action Plan prepares for unavoidable effects of climate change and a 25% reduction of air pollution by 2035 to keep our air clean. 
  9. 400 people supporting #healthyhoods at EHC's Annual Awards Celebration.
    If you missed it, you can read about the accomplishments of our incredible awardees here
  10. Launching the video-learning tool, Creating Healthy Neighborhoods, to inspire grassroots community change and build leaders.
    Don’t leave important decisions about your family’s health and safety in the hands of others. Reclaim your power, and help create the community you want to live in. Check out the video tool here.

Thank you for your dedication to environmental justice that makes these victories a reality. With your support, we look forward to continuing this momentum into 2015 and the years to come. To join Environmental Health Coalition, please click here.