My name is Leticia Ayala.

Twenty-one years ago, I graduated from college and moved to San Diego in search of a job that would allow me to serve the Latino community. I found EHC where I discovered my life’s passion of bringing health and smiles to children and their families.


I was one of the first SALTA graduates.
Hungry to learn more about EHC’s work, I joined SALTA, EHC’s leadership development program. Little did I know that I would become the coordinator of the program a few years later.


In 20 years, I’ve seen thousands of SALTA graduates reclaim the word “leader.”
Through SALTA, community members learn that you can take action to make your community a healthier place – with or without a title.

Please donate today.

I speak on behalf of past and future SALTA graduates when I say thank you for your contribution to our movement that empowers leaders.

My name is Carolina Gamez and I am 22 years old.

My neighborhood, Colonia Chilpancingo in Tijuana, has struggled with high levels of air pollution for as long as I can remember.

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SALTA, EHC's leadership development program, helped me realize the power of my own voice.
I joined SALTA to learn about the environmental issues in my community, but I got so much more than I bargained for. I found out that all of the inspiring leaders I met had started just like me – as concerned residents looking for change and willing to do the hard work.

Will you empower leaders like me?
SALTA taught me that every good leader listens to the needs and opinions of the people they lead. Your donation shows that you support us and helps us bring environmental justice to us all.


EHC election blog

The morning of November 9 was bittersweet.

Locally, we felt strong as we celebrated major victories for our communities, including the election of Georgette Gomez to City Council. Nationally, we felt a mountain grow in front of us.

As 2016 comes to a close, we want to share a message of hope and courage. We invite you to join us as we celebrate our local victories while we march forward as an unwavering and unstoppable charge for justice.

Get involved in our neighborhoods, explore environmental justice job opportunities, follow our movement on social media and remember that in 2017 and beyond, we stand united.

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“It’s okay to feel upset, angry and scared. We’re all feeling that way. Let’s take comfort in a network of allies that care about justice and will come together stronger than ever.”
Dominique Navarro, Fund Development Associate



Franco Garcia

“Do not be discouraged. Our victories at the local level were really important. I can’t emphasize enough that San Diego had one of the highest voter turnouts of any major county in California. Everything EHC supported locally went our way. We’re happy, but we’re not resting on it.”
Franco Garcia, Associate Director of Organizing


Lilia Escalante
“After the election, people’s attitudes were very grey. If at any point we were disconnected, now is the time for us to unite. The way I see it, if you’re angry or upset, channel it into something good.”
Lilia Escalante, Fiscal Manager



My name is Bea Barraza.

I joined EHC 31 years ago for the same reason that I'm still involved today - we lift up leaders. When we make leadership our foundational element, we build a movement with lasting impact.

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We started SALTA to bring leaders to life.

First, we mobilized leaders to tackle household toxics - everyday items that make families sick. Then we targeted public health issues, such as air pollution, with one goal in mind: empower community leaders to stand for their neighborhoods. It worked.

We built a sea of EHC teal.

We were showing up to city council meetings, protests and conferences with droves of community leaders taking leadership into their own hands. I remember looking at the crowd - a unified sea of courageous leaders wearing EHC's teal-colored shirts. It was, and still is, breathtaking.

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We're not done yet.

Your donation empowers EHC to continue building on its foundation of leadership. When you give, you tell our community members that leadership starts in our communities, and that their voice can make justice a reality.

My name is Tuong Bui.

In my Vietnamese-American neighborhood of City Heights, we deeply feel the impacts of climate change. We struggle with poor air quality and limited transportation options. For so long, I didn’t realize that I could do something about it. 

Tuong EHC

My community needed leaders, so I became one.

When I graduated EHC’s SALTA leadership training in 2014, I felt empowered to use my voice to change my community for the better. I wanted to protect trees, improve air quality and teach people to save energy in City Heights and beyond. These issues felt massive, but I now have the tools to combat them.

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With a donation today, you can help me build grassroots leadership in City Heights.

Your donation to EHC will open the eyes of community members like me, who don’t realize they have the power to make a difference. Please donate today.