SACRAMENTO - Chair of the California Air Resources Board Mary Nichols has sworn in Senator Dean Florez and Diane Takvorian, two new Board members, bringing the size of the Board to 14 members total.

The new members were appointed under the provisions of AB 1288 (Atkins, 2015) that directs the Senate Committee on Rules and the Speaker of the Assembly to each appoint one member to the state board who works with communities that are most significantly burdened by, and vulnerable to, high levels of pollution, including, but not limited to, communities with diverse racial and ethnic populations and communities with low-income populations.

“These are two highly qualified individuals who will make substantial contributions to the Board's policy development,” said Nichols. “Their experience and insight will help support and complement the Board’s ongoing efforts to address the needs of communities throughout California that are hardest hit by pollution.”

Diane Takvorian, appointed by Assembly Speaker Atkins on February 4, 2016, currently serves as the executive director and co-founder of the Environmental Health Coalition, a nonprofit dedicated to environmental and social justice for disadvantaged communities. She previously served as the associate director of the Community Congress of San Diego. Takvorian holds a master's degree in social work and bachelor of science degree in psychology from San Diego State University.

Honorable Dean Florez was appointed to the Air Resources Board by the Senate Rules Committee on February 17, 2016 and announced by California Senate President pro Tempore Kevin de León, Chair of the Committee. Senator Florez served in the California Senate from 2002 to 2010, and in the California Assembly from 1998 to 2002 representing the Central Valley including the cities of Bakersfield and Shafter. Senator Florez is now President and CEO of Balance Public Relations. Prior to that he was CEO of 20 Million Minds Fund.


ARB's mission is to promote and protect public health, welfare, and ecological resources through effective reduction of air pollutants while recognizing and considering effects on the economy. The ARB oversees all air pollution control efforts in California to attain and maintain health based air quality standards.