Community applauds City Council’s commitment to protect families  

NATIONAL CITY, August 17, 2017 – Environmental Health Coalition (EHC), an organization fighting toxic pollution in low-income communities of color, applauds Tuesday night’s decision by National City Council to enact strict conditions that forbid the use or storage of hazardous materials at auto detailing shop operated by Perry Ford. The permit conditions, to be developed over the course of the next three weeks, will mandate that Perry Ford operate in accordance with specific guidelines intended to protect the health of children and families living nearby.

“Without question, City Councilmembers Alejandra Sotelo-Solis, Mona Rios, Jerry Cano and Albert Mendivil made the right decision to uphold the Old Town National City Westside Specific Plan and prevent toxic businesses from contaminating our families,” says EHC National City Policy Advocate Sandy Naranjo. “Inexplicably, Mayor Ron Morrison remained the only vote against continuing the item in order to develop the specific conditions.”

For many years, EHC collaborated with National City residents to identify what would make a healthy place to live, work and play. Community-generated recommendations included the separation of polluting industries from residential areas, proper permitting to record and regulate pollution and affordable, transit-oriented housing. Old Town National City celebrated joyously when the Westside Specific Plan was adopted in 2010 as a step forward for a better quality of life, and again in April of 2017 when the Paradise Creek Apartments became available exclusively for National City residents. Perry Ford currently operates directly behind these new affordable homes, making this restrictive permit a victory for hundreds of National City families.

“My neighbors and I have been involved for more than a decade to build a better future for Old Town National City,” says Alicia Sanchez, resident of National City. “My family and I breathe toxic pollution every day while this business profits off our health. Today, I feel proud to know that our elected officials found a way to protect our health while also keeping local business in the community. It’s a win for everyone.”

According to the statewide pollution-screening tool, CalEnviroScreen, National City remains among the top 5-10 percent of communities in California most impacted by pollution. With more precise methodology for estimating diesel exposures to residents this year than ever before, National City’s air-quality score for diesel pollution increased by an alarming 34 percentile points in 2017.

For more information about Environmental Health Coalition and its work in National City, visit


ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH COALITION: Founded in 1980, Environmental Health Coalition (EHC) builds grassroots campaigns to confront the unjust consequences of toxic pollution, discriminatory land use and unsustainable energy policies. Visit us online at