Last week, I heard some upsetting news: a new, polluting, expensive and entirely unnecessary power plant might be built near my community. The California Public Utilities Commission - the state agency that's supposed to ensure that our energy companies like San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) prioritize clean energy - made a proposal to approve SDG&E's polluting fossil fuel power plant called Pio Pico in Otay Mesa— just a few miles away from my house.

Luz grankidsI'm already concerned about the current high levels of air pollution—some of the worst in the state— and the health problems that pollution brings to my community. If approved, Pio Pico would add even more pollution— the same amount as 170,000 cars- each year for 25 years. That could have a negative impact on the health of our children and make climate change worse. My grandchildren already have asthma and I don't want them exposed to even more pollution from a new dirty power plant.

In addition to the pollution damage to my community, SDG&E wants to raise our energy bills to pay $1.6 Billion for this dirty energy. My neighbors have made it clear that they want a clean energy source and are willing to pay a little more for clean energy in their neighborhoods. But they certainly don't want more dirty energy and more pollution. Latino voters from all over Southern California have said the same thing- we want clean energy now.

What really angers me is that this power plant is entirely unnecessary. We have enough energy from renewable resources, efficiency, energy storage and other clean sources now and in the future to cost-effectively and reliable meet our energy needs. Which is exactly why I don't understand how the state regulators can allow SDG&E to dump this polluting power plant in South Bay. We already have several power plants and transmission lines and terrible air quality, now this?

Join me in saying NO to another polluting power plant and demanding that government agencies and officials protect the health of our communities! Join me in taking action:

  • Sign this petition to tell our state's energy regulators you don't want the polluting Pio Pico power plant in San Diego!
  • Sign this letter to elected officials who represent the South Bay area to ask them to take a stand!

Thank you.

Last month, under the leadership of Ann Moore, the San Diego Unified Port District took a big step towards addressing climate change and pollution in San Diego when the Board of Port Commissioners unanimously adopted a Climate Action Plan.

port sunsetThe plan is so significant because it charts a course of action to lower the Port's greenhouse gas emissions-- the pollution responsible for causing climate change -- and sets an example for the rest of San Diego. Climate change and pollution from the Port both have huge health impacts on the region, especially neighboring low-income communities of color. With its location along the waterfront, as a center and facilitator of global goods shipping and a home to a mix of heavy, polluting industries as well as waterfront tourism businesses, the Port stands as a cause of climate change as well as a future victim.

Specifically, the Port's climate plan sets targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 25 percent by 2035 and identifies strategies that may be used to reduce emissions from the Port and the 600 bayfront businesses to which the Port is a landlord. Some such strategies include:

• Making new and existing buildings more efficient
• Generating renewable energy along the bayfront
• Increasing use of clean vehicles, vessels and machinery

Next steps for the Port's climate plan will be identifying which specific emissions reductions strategies the Port will prioritize for implementing in 2014. Meanwhile, we'll continue urging the Port to take meaningful actions to ensure community health is at the forefront of Port decisions and the necessary actions are taken to achieve climate stability in San Diego. 

We've worked diligently over the past three years to ensure that the Port, landlord for many of the largest polluters in the region, secures adoption of a plan, and we applaud the Board of Port Commissioners for unanimously supporting it. Now, we can't wait to see this vision for San Diego's sustainable future put into action.

The approach of the new year has us reflecting on the year we are about to leave. In 2013, we accomplished goals many years in the making, and we couldn't have done it without our staff, community leaders, volunteers, board members, sponsors and ally organizations.

Our greatest accomplishments include: 

With the tireless hard work and support of everyone involved with EHC, we celebrate these incredible victories for our communities. When we look at 2014, we see ourselves already on the path to success. Thank you for everything you have done to bring these achievements to fruition and for never giving up on our vision of social and environmental justice.


Happy Holidays, friends. Talk to you next year.


The only thing better than happy holidays are happy, healthy holidays. Follow these simple steps and head into a toxic-free 2014. holiday fireplace

  • Gift a bucket with non-toxic, multi-purpose cleaning products so your friends can keep their homes clean without using harmful chemicals.
  • Gift toys that do not have lead-based paint - check the label to find out!
  • Use a space heater to heat your home instead of your stove.
  • Make an appointment with the local utility company to check you gas heater or gas appliances - it's a free service.
  • Invest in a carbon monoxide detector and install it in your home.
  • Check and/or change batteries on your smoke detector.
  • If you are going to use a chimney and burn wood, make sure you take the proper precautions.
  • Do not leave candles unattended.
  • Develop and discuss a fire evacuation plan with all family members.
  • Turn your holiday lights off each night before bed.

Safe seasons greetings, everyone!

BL CPU Hector's Home


  • Corporate industry said the Barrio Logan Community Plan Update would threaten 46,000 jobs - According to a City report, it brings close to 5,000 new jobs to the community, a 47 percent increase.
  • Corporate industry the Navy would leave San Diego - The Navy publicly announced they are neutral to the issue entirely.
  • Corporate industry said apartment complexes would be built over the shipyards - zero residential construction is allowed with this plan
  • Corporate industry says it would run out all maritime businesses - All existing businesses are allowed to stay and can even expand up to twenty percent.
  • Corporate industry doesn't like the community plan update - They were involved in every step of the planning process.

Why are corporate industries telling San Diego lies? 

We do know the people fighting the Barrio Logan Community Plan Update are NOT the people who live in, or even near, Barrio Logan. These peoples' homes are far removed from any industries. They live in neighborhoods with proper zoning and health standards, as every neighborhood should have, but doesn't.

These people live toxic-free lives (see first image). The people of Barrio Logan do not (see second image).

This is why we need to support the Barrio Logan Community Plan Update and put it on the June ballot.

Please join us at City Council on Tuesday, December 17 at 2 p.m. (202 C St, 12th floor) to demand a democratic process and every persons right to live in a healthy community. We'll see you there.